Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Perfect to a T

Of all places, why did my parents choose Florida to move to? Every day is like a day at the sauna, except without the fat guys in towels. That's not a good thing either.

Anyways, this isn't even an outfit post. It's a homage to my favorite shirt. Everyone, stop what you're doing and go buy the light gray pocket tee shirt from the Gap. Hate on the Gap all you want but I got this Pima cotton v-neck for about 17 bucks and I love it more than my American Apparel tees. (clicky!)

Then again, rainy days aren't so bad because they give you an excuse to pose around with an umbrella!


..... said...

why do u hate florida !! i guess it's better than Tahiti dude !! come on !!

A Black Tie Event said...

I love Gap, most people I know who are at all interested in fashion hate it, but I love their basics.

Christina said...

Simple, but great outfit!

Hana said...

Yeah, I can always find nice, quite affordable basics at the Gap. I'm glad not everyone has negative views on it!